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What does the vinegar house recommend that I pair with?

First, I think it is important to mention that in most circumstances cooking with your balsamic vinegar will lose much of its flavor and complexion. So it is best used after a food is cooked.


Below is additional information about what each specific product pairs well with as written by the vineyard:

12 Year Seasoned - Aged Balsamic Vinegar:

lightly seasoned cheeses, poultry, all kinds of salads, fruit, and ice cream



12 Year Reserve - Aged Balsamic Vinegar:

light & medium seasoned cheeses, poultry, cured meats, rice, vegetables, fruit, and ice cream



20 Year - Aged Balsamic Vinegar:

medium & extra seasoned cheeses, all types of meat, certain fish such salmon such as salmon & squid, rice, fruit, and ice cream